Are there plans to support Akimet to stop spam

I’ve been overwhelmed by spam issues lately.

I wish I could add Akimet functionality like gitlab :smiley:

I do not believe there are any plans to add Akismet functionality to Gitea at this time, certainly put in a proposal issue on GitHub for it so that it is tracked. I think this would be a good candidate for a plugin whenever the plugin system is implemented.

There are some built-in solutions you can use though. See the config cheat sheet for more info pertaining to these:

  • EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST and EMAIL_DOMAIN_BLACKLIST. You can use these to trust certain email providers only, or exclude email providers that are sources of bad actors.
  • REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM. Set this to true so that the users must confirm their email prior to doing anything. Alternatively use REGISTER_MANUAL_CONFIRM where you must approve new users.
  • ENABLE_CAPTCHA, CAPTCHA_TYPE and the captcha provider’s respective fields. If you are on 1.19 dev branch, you can also use the new REQUIRE_CAPTCHA_FOR_LOGIN.

In addition, here are some other anti-spam proposals that are still open and could use some contributions:

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