Security vulnerability or attempted hack?

I saw this in my logs today.

Jul 29 13:12:27 projects gitea: #033[36m2022/07/29 13:12:27 #033[0mStarted #033[34mGET#033[0m #033[1m/remote/fgt_lang?lang=/../../../..//////////dev/cmdb/sslvpn_websession#033[0m for #033[1m127.0.0.1:40472#033[0m
Jul 29 13:12:27 projects gitea: #033[36m2022/07/29 13:12:27 #033[0mCompleted #033[34mGET#033[0m #033[1m/remote/fgt_lang?lang=/../../../..//////////dev/cmdb/sslvpn_websession#033[0m #033[33m302#033[0m #033[33mFound#033[0m in #033[32m1.272828ms#033[0m
Jul 29 13:12:27 projects gitea: #033[36m2022/07/29 13:12:27 #033[0mStarted #033[34mGET#033[0m #033[1m/user/login#033[0m for #033[1m127.0.0.1:40474#033[0m
Jul 29 13:12:27 projects gitea: #033[36m2022/07/29 13:12:27 #033[0mCompleted #033[34mGET#033[0m #033[1m/user/login#033[0m #033[32m200#033[0m #033[32mOK#033[0m in #033[32m6.662754ms#033[0m

I assume this is an attempted hack and nothing to worry about?

Also: could we got have ASCII color escape sequences in syslog output? :slight_smile:

Yes, the attempt failed. You can change options in [log].