Gitea Instance not installing properly as PWA

My gitea instance is running 1.17 (I can share a link later if necessary, but currently at the 2 link per post limit) and I’m unable to install it properly as a PWA manually (no automatic install banner either).

The site can be added to my homescreen fine, but the app icon only opens chrome to my instance’s URL rather than opening it up as a separate app. I’ve also attempted this on to the same effect.

I found a gitea instance running an older version via google ( that I was able to install properly. Automatic install banner pops up, the name of the app was pre-filled in correctly, and clicking on the newly installed icon opened up an application on my phone separate from the chrome one.

Any ideas as to what may be the issue with my instance (as well as every other 1.17 instance I can find on google)? I’m curious if the manifest.json has changed between versions or if my use of Nginx as a reverse proxy for SSL is causing the issue. I’m also curious if there are any options in Gitea to disable robots and other search indexing related features so my instance isn’t showing up in google searches one day?

As PWA has been removed for new version. I think this can be closed.