Difference between services and modules


I wonder what is the difference between a service and a module. For instance, in the LFS mirror pull request, the lfs module was changed into a service but I fail to see the need.

Any ideas ?

Quoting @wxiaoguang in chat

services: provide some services for users, usually use database (models) modules: provide some basic functions without database, eg: code parser, etc The major difference is services use database, while modules don’t.

The major difference is services use database, while modules don’t.

And @zeripath

code in modules should not depend on models but we still have quite a few in there - they’ll get moved eventually. We’re just incrementally refactoring (slowly).

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Quoting @lunny in chat

I think you can find something from https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/contributing/guidelines-backend/ , if you cannot please file an issue that we can improve it.