Copy button on code blocks in

Usually when someone is putting code blocks into a readme file the commands or code written is meant to be copied by the user reading the readme. Automatically putting the copy button on code blocks would save a lot of users a lot of hassle, and is becoming a standard way to treat repo markdown.

That is already supported:

However, I don’t know since when. 1.18?

Looks like 1.16

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I’m using 1.21.4 version. How should I add the copy button in the code block?

It is automatically inserted for all code blocks

I cannot see it. Should I enable anything?

Are you hovering over the code block?

Yes, I’m. I tried on Chrome and Firefox as well.

And the document you are testing is certainly using code blocks


like this ↑?

My bad. I don’t know what I did but now it seems to work. Thanks