Blank page after login

Hello all,
Finally this issue is resolved. But before I write the solution I would like to give my kind regards and thousands thanks to @dachary for his last message point me and my colleagues to the right direction.
So yes the issue was on the action table. All the “old” users they had as content on that table just their git commit comment. On the other hand me and an other new user (including any new test user that I have created) the contents of the action table were as a json data input, which contained our name, email, date and time and finally our git comment (I am sure I am forgetting a couple or more). In order to keep uniformity we truncated that table, however by deleting only the old data and keeping mine everything worked fine. I haven’t post anything since the last post because I(we) was trying to update the contents of all the old data to the newer json format so we could all have a history on our landing page. I failed in any given try so we end up as I said before for uniformity reasons to truncate the action table and problem solved.

Kind Regards

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